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    Rift. Faults

    FRIENTS – the main feature of Rift – make the game world unpredictable. At the first time, whether we find ourselves in the location – you can never be sure of which we have to encounter! With an elite planar landing? With a global invasion and sprinkled almost into the boards with villages? The world of Taelara never stands still thanks to active guests from faults. War with planar invaders is held around the clock – with varying success.

    Most of the leaders of the invasion of the players so far. You have to fight with their henchmen. Some of them, however, are able to erase the whole city from Telara's face alone.

    How does a break begin | Elements of faults : Death | Fire | Water Earth | Life | Air | Special faults

    [+] Faults to the present day [-] faults to this day

    In ancient times, Telara, who is at the junction of six elemental plans, attracted the attention of insatiable gods-pacons of the bloody storm. It seemed that the invaders led by the Dragon of Death Regulos could not be stopped … But each of the dragons considered that only he was worthy to own Taelara, and the scaly deities grabbed each other for possessing a tasty world. And mortals, having received a break, found a way to overcome the mighty aliens: they captured dragons, cutting off their connection with the dimensions of the elements.

    To protect Talar from a planar threat, a powerful amulet was created. But hundreds of years passed, King Edraksis Matosh called for the forbidden magic for the sake of victory in the Civil War and damaged the amulet. The protective curtain weakened, and the planar forces began to break through on Talara. The only hope of the doomed world was exalted – ancient heroes, returned to the life of a brilliant technomagia or the will of good gods.

    The battle is ahead

    [[Bullet]] The space is tightened to this radiant point, preparing to throw out spontaneous horror on Telar.

    Sometimes faults open on the surface of TElara completely suddenly. But more often their appearance is foreshadowed by the formation of an angle – a "weak place" in the fabric of the world. Any exalted can open it before the break is opened itself, so that after the destruction of the fault, it would be a reward.

    Hero awards

    Anyone who took part in the closure of the fault, the reflection of the invasion or destroy of the enemy checkpoint is bestowed with trophies in proportion to the efforts. Almost always heroes get planar, Less commonly – Permateria. All this is the currency necessary for the purchase of special skills of ascended and valuable items (including “blue” and “purple” equipment).

    In the faults are mined Essence , Big and small. They can be inserted into a special item and get an increase in the characteristics. Take out of faults and Consumers , The most valuable of which are mentioned in the descriptions of faults of different elements. Finally, sometimes equipment, bags, and even pets become a reward, but only if you are very lucky.

    Deades are small, large and raid. When opening the burst, the corresponding in the size of the break is formed (but there are exceptions). The element of the fault opened is determined randomly, but, having reached the highest level, players can choose it themselves.

    Elements of faults


    [+] History: restless peace [-] History: restless peace

    [[Bullet]] The fault of death just wants to hug you warmly … and strangle you in your arms.

    The eternal peace of the death plan is violated only. Endless fields dotted with bleached bones. Bride-fast-old obsidian peaks rising to violet heavens. Rurling black tentacles stretch from heaven. The dead sleep restlessly in the cyclopean tombs. This plan is a prison of the Black Dragon of Regulos, the Lord of Death. This is how he will make the universe when (if) gets to the will.

    Not only those whose life expires serve as the regulos. Mortals, seduced by the promise of eternal life and power over the dead, make up the eternal courtyard – the cult of regulos. Sooner or later, the curtain between the worlds will weaken, the black dragon will break into Talar – and then death itself will go on the ground, and the eternal courtyard will become the scythe that will reap all the living.

    The representatives of the death plan are most difficult to identify in general features. The “deadly” elements belong to the most non -standard faults with microdes, and even the restless creatures themselves occur different. Among them there are strong meleearies, and powerful magicians, and clouds of small monsters, and ultra -circular loners, and even healers that suck life from players. Among other things, the creatures of death adore harmful effects: weaken, intimidate, immobilize or gradually bite off health.

    But, having relyed on universality, death fighters lose to specialists of other elements. Among them there are no magicians comparable in strength to fiery or airy, there are no monstrously tenacious creatures of the Earth and healers of life, easily overstruming the course of the battle. Closing death faults, act on the situation – and the victory will be yours.

    Valuable objects are extracted from the faults of death, allowing to be treated, stretching life from enemies.



    [+] History: Destruction traction [-] History: Destruction traction

    [Bullet] no, nothing exploded in the village. There was cut out of the broom of fire.

    On the scorched rivers of lavas of the lavas of the Labois of the Fire Plan, the red dragon Malford is sharpened – the embodiment of chaos and destruction. The greatest pleasure for the tailed beast is to see how the worlds die in fire, and then revive from the ashes … to be burned again.

    The lord of the flame serve creatures that have one need – to destroy. The spirits of fire, scorching the earth with one presence, majestic and terrible horned devils, tribes of evil goblins, flocks of predatory lizards and detachments of dragonids … But the worst, perhaps people. The cultists of Malford, called violent, are a whole army of bloodthirsty maniacs that destroy and kill for pleasure.

    "Fiery" beasts are not too tenacious and crush in number. Many have powerful long -range attacks, often holding the target. Very often more or less serious creatures appear accompanied by a whole horde of small lizards or fiery demons, which are not terrible alone, but are extremely dangerous when they attack in a lip. When stripping fire faults, abilities beat in the area – the same demons cause noble damage with fire balls, but the squires themselves. Usually you need to demolish the mass and only then-the heroes of the show program.

    From fiery faults, you can draw out planar objects that set fire to the target or surrounding the ascended with a fiery shield, which burns the attackers.


    [+] History: Reflection of madness [-] History: Reflection of madness

    [[Bullet]] In the case of water faults, the expression “the sky is leaked” should be understood literally.

    The water plan is a bottomless and boundless ocean, the depths of which are inhabiting the most terrible and crazy nightmares of all that can only imagine a mortal mind. In colossal reefs that deny the laws of pragmatic science, creatures live, which Lovecraft brethren do not be shy. Fish-headed, tentacles, with claws and toad paws, in chitin shells and in the razor-ostroy scales, they ruffle wicked rituals and howls crazy songs.

    All of them are a miserable reflection of madness, which is struck by the mind of the blue dragon akilios. The ancient monster lost his mind long before arriving on Talar. The screams of mortals for him are like music, a funeral crying is formed in a caressing hearing symphony. But Akilios sleeps tightly in the abysses, in a damned and forgotten place, complete horror and black magic.

    In addition to the creatures of the depths of the water plan, people also serve akilios. The cult of the deep ones almost entirely consists of obsessed and insane – that no bit surprises.

    "Water" creatures rely on hand -to -hand attacks and strong armor. They are tenacious and, which is difficult to expect from bulky monsters, amazingly agile – many of them can instantly https://lottomart-casino.co.uk/ move to the goal. In addition, they are taught to apply curses and inspire horror in heroes. Typically, groups of water aliens are small, but these are extremely terrible opponents, which are desirable to attack from afar.



    [+] History: boundless greed [-] History: boundless greed

    [[Bullet]] Sorry, but these obviously expensive gems will disappear after the closing of the fault.

    The Golden Dragon Latis got an amazingly beautiful world – rivers of molten gold flow along the endless stone plains, crystalline mountains stretch to heaven, and stone spiers strewn with precious stones the size of a house hang in the air. However, even this is not enough to quench her boundless greed. There are rumors that for the very word “enough” the head of the cult of the golden throat dedicated to her poured molten gold into the throat to the one who decided to lead such a heresy.

    Followers of Latis need all the wealth of Taelara. Whole. Perhaps the cult of the Golden Dragon by ordinary mortal is easiest to understand – it is often impossible to distinguish whether you came across a greedy merchant or an adherent of the golden throat burned by the inseparable greed. The generation of the land plan, serving Latis, is not disgusting: some of them, like the humanoids made up of crystals and metal ores, are amazingly beautiful, for example, titans are magnificent and inspire reverence. Even trolls, basilisks and giant ants are sweet in their own way … which does not make them less dangerous-as well as the cultists of the golden throat, ready for anything to snatch a piece of the Golden Taurus.

    "Earth" creatures – concentrated power. It is enough to look at a ten -meter titanium or troll, waving a club in human height, and immediately it becomes clear – it is better not to approach this. They have unsurpassed protection, and some can regenerate and attack all around them at once. Latis's long -range attacks are not held in high esteem, although ore elements aptly and far bullets with crystals. The number of servants Latis preferred quality, and the closing of the Earth's faults is often delayed.

    Among the awards for the closure of these faults, objects often come across, briefly surrounding the character with a shield that can absorb serious damage.


    [+] History: Living jungle [-] History: Living jungle

    [[Bullet]] Among the violent forest vegetation, the break of life can not be noticed.

    Life plan overgrown with dense predatory jungle. In the eternal shadow of thickets, innumerable creatures devour each other, over once, a bite behind a bite reproducing the principle of natural selection. This is an illustration of the ideal world in the representation of a green dragon with a not very inventive name Zelenokozh. "The strong man devours the weak, so that he himself later devour even stronger".

    It is not surprising that it was on the plan of life that the Faits and Elves of the House Alvar, who rebelled against civilization, found the refuge. They correctly serve the green-skinned, hoping that someday there will be not a single city, not a single settlement, not a single island of order and all living things will return to the basic Darwin principles.

    Like the creatures of the Earth, local inhabitants rely on survivability and physical strength. However, in addition to brutal hand -tooths – satires, werewolves, huge monkeys and the dreams – the plan of life releases elegant fairies to Talar who own healing spells. So it turns out – the monsters are not only tenacious, they are also healed! At first, it is advisable to kill the heaviness with the weak health of the healers and only then to concentrate fire on the monsters, which are no longer so impressive without magical support.



    [+] History: The mind of the pack [-] History: the mind of the pack

    [[Bullet]] It’s scary to even approach the air – look and look with a stone -sized stone with a horse with a horse.

    The air plan personifies absolute freedom. Crushing winds walk here, and flying islands soar in the skies. The poor fellows, stuck on such islands, become prey for flocks of griffins and harpies, winged snakes, grids and lots of other birds and not very, but completely volatile creatures. If one of the inhabitants of Telara on plan of air, the first thing he would see, would see the miriades of the wings. And then he would be torn to pieces.

    White Dragon Crucia was a real lady of the flocks – in the literal and figurative sense. In the old days, the army, united by the "hive" mind, subordinate to her will. Crucia could not only read any thought, but also distort it as it pleases. Now the white dragon is constrained by ice far in the north of Talara, but her will is free and she is still able to subjugate people's minds. Let it not be for long, but the one who has been under her authority will never become the same. Children killing parents, wives, cutting throats to their beloved husbands, generals who betray the rulers – thanks to the skillful intrigues or direct suppression of the mind, they all replenish the legion of the storm, the personal guard of the thunderstorm Queen.

    Elegant "air" creatures seem fragile. But you should not be deceived – these are one of the most dangerous planar guests. Citizens' survivability and armor is sacrificed to the highest mobility and truly frightening combat power. They are equally good both in hand -to -hand combat, where they break the victim with a series of fast strokes, and in a long battle, where they bring down lightning rain on the enemy. Often their attacks can paralyze or frighten the player, and sometimes they impose effects that themselves do not harm, but enhance the abilities of air creatures. In general, if you have ever fought against the magician with the soul of the storm spell, then imagine what awaits you.

    Among the treasures, mirrors are especially appreciated from air fault, for a few seconds, the targeting target.

    Raid, craft and PVP outputs

    The named faults are open exclusively by hand using special items.

    Raid intended at least for a dozen well -equipped heroes. Leave a chest with valuable artifacts, which is disposed of a player who opened a break.

    Craft – In fact, the same ordinary elemental faults, but for their closure, in addition to standard awards, components are given for the craft chosen when opening the breaks of the craft.

    PVP outputs form a patch of land with control points. The faction, which opened the break, must keep these points for a certain time. The task of opponents is to repulse a break from the "discoverers".

    * * *

    Now you know what to expect from faults of any shape and colors. True, we left overboard global invasions and plot events, accompanied by the largest manifestations of planar activity. They left it intentionally – probably we will talk about them in one of the future articles.